Party Platform
Sixteen hundred Canadians are going to have parties in their pants, and adult products marketer Adam & Eve has spent more than $47,000 putting ’em there.
Seven Strategies for Expanding Your Business
Ever since the recession dug in its heels nearly three years, survival, rather than growth, has been the goal for many catalogers. But finally, things
Heifer Launches B-to-B Campaign
Direct marketers will be buying sheep, goats, donkeys and maybe a few llamas this holiday season. That is, they will if they respond to a Heifer International
New Catalog Reflects Broader Reach
Health Spa in a Box released its newest and largest catalog in September. The eight-page, full-color effort was produced for $5,000 a figure that would
Beyond Offers and Savings Emotion
Seriously competitive tactics, generally in the form of offers, virtually tumbled from the pages of the fall/holiday catalog assortment. But did the featured
Multimedia Strategy Helps Sure Fit
A multimedia effort combining print, television, catalogs and retail promotion has helped slipcover maker Sure Fit brand its own products so that they
The Real-Deal Catalog
Using real women as models and asking inbound callers to carol for trinkets are among the ways women’s sporting apparel cataloger Title 9 gets consumers
The sex product market has always been geared toward heavy-breathing guys. is different in that it targets women. It offers vibrators and
Vermont Teddy Bears Down on Gift Market
Despite its slogan that it is the creative alternative to flowers, Vermont Teddy Bear entered the blooms business in August by acquiring Calyx & Corolla.
eBay: A Model for Catalogers
Do you know how lovely it is to pop on a Web site and quickly and easily track all the purchases you’ve made from that site over time? Probably not, as