Stupid PR Watch: The Most Insightful Christmas Gesture Ever

When two editors unaffiliated with Magilla Marketing received Christmas cards from marketing services firm Epsilon, it seemed like a possible snub.

Sure it could be a simple oversight, but the news reported here on Epsilon last year wasn’t flattering.

First, there was an anonymous blogger attempting to smear Epsilon Interactive’s president, Al DiGuido, by posting nasty things and pretending to be DiGuido writing under a pseudonym.

Then, in September, DiGuido was unceremoniously let go, prompting coverage here of what led to the firing, including serious culture clash between executives at Epsilon’s recently acquired e-mail concerns Bigfoot and DoubleClick, and a resulting exodus of DoubleClickers.

Then there was the story about Epsilon’s e-mail unit trying to lure some ex-DoubleClick employees back.

Lastly, there was the story of Epsilon pulling out of JupiterResearch’s annual e-mail service provider report because it didn’t have a single platform to offer for assessment.

So when other editors received Christmas cards, it wasn’t a surprise. Hey, it comes with the territory—at least when a reporter does his job right.

But then several editors, one of whom says he hasn’t spoken with anyone at Epsilon in years, got gift baskets filled with chocolate and other goodies and it all became wonderfully crystal clear.

They like me! I thought. They really like me! Please tell me my failure to get a gift basket from Epsilon wasn’t an oversight and that the mailroom here didn’t screw up.

Here’s why: For one thing, reporters accepting gifts is a no-no. However, vendors who send things like gift baskets around the holidays usually mean well so it is uncomfortable—not to mention a pain in the neck—to send them back. As a result, honest trade reporters put gifts such as chocolates or candy in a common area like a break room where the rest of the staff can have at them.

Obviously, Epsilon knew it would make me uncomfortable to get a gift basket from them.

But here’s the uncanny part: They also obviously know I am a type 2 diabetic. Hell, just looking at a box of chocolate makes my kidneys fail!

So don’t you see? They had both my integrity and my health in mind when they sent holiday greetings this year!

So, thank you, Epsilon. Thank you very much. Here’s to the beginning of a new year and a new professional relationship.

Just don’t fire anybody important, ok?