Stick It In A Tree

Santa Cruz. I went up there to talk to some animals. Well, I actually went up there to visit some friends, but they were all talking to animals, so I joined in. It didn’t work quite as well for me, as I was not induced by mind-altering narcotics, but the pine needles were alteration enough. Not used to trees. Or talking animals. Friends talking to animals, rather. Up there you can be heterosexual, homosexual, squirrelsexual and treesexual. You’re allowed to stick it in a tree and everyone is pretty much okay with it. Personally, I would rather talk to people, work through the night, and enjoy candid IM conversations than stick it in a tree. Not that I’m trying to disrespect the treesexuals in the crowd, but it just ain’t natural. Although, I heard the spawning cycle of pinecones is pretty impressive.

I can’t even sit here long enough to sit here long enough to remember what I was going to say. And to me, that’s coherency! Come here. You see? My lungs are telling me I’m shrouded by a smoke cloud, and I don’t even smoke. There are so many fires around me that the treesexuals in Cruz would call me out for being so damn flaming. The last few weeks I actually had topics, didn’t I? Can’t really recall at this hour, but I believe I did. Sorry to disappoint this time around, talking about sticking trees and fertile pinecones and the like. Maybe I’ll start mentioning what’s really on my mind, and what’s been bubbling in my belly but absent from my babbling-

Laughter, like the variety when you are your happiest but look your ugliest, tears and yellow gunk oozing from your eyes, littering your cheekbones and cute crow’s feet now become deep creases in your countenance. You’ll think about how terrible you will look the next time you laugh uproariously, won’t you? Hope not. But how often do you lose it anyway? I, more than most, I would say. I sure enjoy my laughter, yes I do. Even when I’m pissed off the house, I still try and laugh. Cures what fails ya. I’m a fan. Of laughter. And short sentences. At least for now.