Pepsi-Cola will develop new lines of apparel that will focus less on logos than on images of Pepsi’s beverages, according to Reuters. The merchandise, which will also include footwear and accessories, will be sold through premium catalogs, and through Pepsi’s Web site (
The Direct Marketing Association said yesterday that it supports the Coalition to Preserve Universal Mail Service in its effort to address the financial crisis facing the U.S. Postal Service. “The time is now for structural change to the way the Postal Service works,” said Ed Gleiman, who is spearheading the DMA’s postal reform program.
The U.S. Postal Service is offering online tutorials for small businesses on how to do direct mail. The USPS Web site ( also includes direct mail templates, links to DM suppliers, and a list of seminars.
Participating vendors include,,, Zairmail, and ZIPM.