676 results for: Marketers on fire brands on fire

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CM Weekly 4.5.20

|  by Kaylee Hultgren

CM Weekly April 5, 2020 Who hasn’t pivoted to digital this week? Marketers—and the business world as a whole—are adjusting to the new reality of working from home, remote team management, virtual engagement and a retooling of strategies to accommodate for a global crisis. In the spirit of communal quarantine, this week we bring you…

CM Weekly 3.29.20

|  by Kaylee Hultgren

CM Weekly March 29, 2020 Hanging in there? We hope so. We’ll get through this together. Let’s start with some positive news. One of the COVID-19 trends we noticed this week: brands shifting dollars that would have been spent on sports advertising or promoting new campaigns to coronavirus relief efforts. Wendy’s is shifting marketing spend…

CM Weekly 3.22.20

|  by Kaylee Hultgren

CM Weekly March 22, 2020 You’ve seen the headlines, the quotes, the memes: “We’re all in this together”—words of solace, comfort and solidarity in this time of uncertainty. It’s the message many companies have been communicating to customers and the general public these past few weeks. With countless businesses feeling the effects of COVID-19, from…

CM Weekly 3.15.20

|  by Kaylee Hultgren

CM Weekly March 15, 2020 We’ve entered a new normal of social distancing—and it’s forced the marketing community to turn on a dime. Brands are altering creative to avoid appearing tone deaf or insensitive during this difficult time. KFC suspended its “Finger Lickin’ Good” campaign and Hershey’s pulled ads with hugs and handshakes in them.…

CM Weekly 3.8.20

|  by Kaylee Hultgren

CM Weekly March 8, 2020 The Coronavirus fallout continues as global events cancel and a wave of uncertainty envelops the business community. But for some major events that typically draw thousands of marketing professionals and scores of exhibitors, like SXSW and Cannes Lions, the show must go on (for now). UFI, The Global Association of…

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  • Engagement (176)
  • Digital (117)
  • Acquisition (97)
  • Social (85)
  • Demand Gen (77)
  • Events (75)
  • Direct Marketing | Print (46)
  • Engage & Convert (41)
  • Data & Analytics (40)
  • Profiles & Campaigns (40)
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  • Promotion (52)
  • Marketers on Fire (31)
  • Experiential (30)
  • Brands on Fire (27)
  • Experiential Marketing (15)
  • Social Media Marketing (15)
  • CMO (13)
  • Event Marketing (11)
  • Games (10)
  • Data (9)
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  • Kaylee Hultgren (298)
  • Chief Marketer Staff (234)
  • Patty Odell (30)
  • Tony Campana (29)
  • Beth Negus Viveiros (13)
  • Chief Marketer (5)
  • Brian Quinton (3)
  • David Hurwitz (2)
  • Benjamin Reid (1)
  • Chris Wirthwein (1)
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  • Posts (459)
  • E-Letters (206)
  • Blog (6)
  • Sponsored Content (3)
  • Partner Content (2)
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