Search Results for: Marketers on Fire
Citi Targets Tablet Banking App to Kindle Fire
Marketers not willing to write off the Android tablet audience are faced with a problem: Which Android device to create those apps for? In March Citibank answered that question by placing its first official Android bet on the Kindle Fire, the tablet launched last September by Amazon.
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Is Social Really Going to Kill Search
Not too long ago we listened to a talk given by the founders of Stik on Googl’s Search Plus Your World. Like so many things Google, this amazingly large concept is masked by a slightly confusing title the belies the products actual significance. With so many products and so…
Kindle Fire: 33% of Tablet Traffic in December
According to Jumptap’s MobileSTAT (Simple Targeting & Audience Trends) report for February, Android and iOS account for 91 percent of the smartphone OS market. The report also found that a third of tablet traffic in December came from the Kindle Fire.
Holiday Tablet Traffic Surged in 2011; iOS Gets Higher CTRs Than Android
Tablet traffic surged 229 percent over an average projection based on historical network traffic for Dec. 26, 2011, according to Jumptap. Jan. 2 saw a 263 percent boost in traffic, probably thanks to uploads of holiday photos and users getting familiar with their new devices.
PsychicsLive to Debut at Affiliate Summit West
Calabasas, CA (January 6, 2012) – PsychicsLive announced the launch of their advanced video chat technology last month and received overwhelming response to the impressive, easy-to-navigate interface where users experience live, face-to-face psychic
Kindle Fire Lights up Mobile Ad Impressions in November
According to Millennial Media’s “Mobile Mix: The Mobile Device Index” report for November, the Kindle Fire is rapidly surging in terms of mobile ad impressions on Millennial Media’s network. However, Apple maintains a strong lead overall.
iOS and Android Activations and App Downloads Surge on Christmas Day 2011
Christmas Day proved, once again, to be the biggest day for iOS and Android app downloads, according to Flurry. Dec. 25, 2011, was also a record-breaking day for iOS and Android device activations.
Not As Bad as it Looks – Your Job Application
At times, it feels as though you can divide up the performance marketing world into a few groups. Those who are deliberately shady and those who are not. Those who receive deliberately shady traffic accidentally, and those who do not. Even the best and biggest businesses will receive some…
As IPOs Go, Zynga’s No Groupon (And That’s A Good Thing)
Both Zynga, the online games company whose offerings include Farmville, Mafia Wars and Zynga Poker, and Groupon, the daily deal site, are dot-coms which deal primarily in virtual goods. They hold no physical inventory and rarely generate transactions …
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Break The Retail Planning Cycle By Connecting with Shopper Rhythms
Break The Retail Planning Cycle By Connecting with Shopper Rhythms