Schweppes and Lerner team with Broadway

NEW YORK Schweppes will activate its Live Broadway sponsorship with a national holiday instant-win sweepstakes. The promo will be on specially marked bottles and 12-packs of ginger ale, tonic water, and club soda.

Prizes will include Broadway trips, Broadway musical compact discs, and binoculars. “Live Broadway provides the perfect staging for the Schweppes holiday promotion,” says Dr Pepper and Seven Up brand manager Kelli Freeman.

Schweppes became one of the first national sponsors of Live Broadway last year, along with Continental Airlines and First Bank USA. Live Broadway was created by the League of American Theaters and Producers; the group includes many of the Broadway productions and touring companies.

“We’re excited about this first national promotion and we couldn’t have a better partner,” says director of new business development Meg Meurer. “Schweppes created an innovative promotion that conveys the specialness of Broadway to the consumer. This promotion will continue to build the mass appeal of Broadway.”

Also in the fourth quarter, Live Broadway will team with Lerner New York, a division of The Limited, for a sweeps at 650 stores throughout the country. Customers who open a store credit card account or use their store card will be entered into the sweeps.

Prizes include nine trip packages to Broadway, including airfare, hotel, two show tickets, and $1,200 spending money. Lerner will promo the sweeps with in-store signage, pos materials, and even in-store music programming.

“We are delighted to participate in this partnership,” says Philip Monaghan, vp, brand communications for Lerner New York. “We are confident our customers will appreciate this opportunity.”