Satisfaction: The Core of Career Success

Statistics only tell one side of this story:

  • According to an August 2002 Gallup Poll, 31% of U.S. workers are somewhat or completely dissatisfied with the amount of stress they face at work.

  • As reported in the Sept. 17 issue of Healthcare, those with white-collar salaried positions had higher stress levels than blue-collar hourly workers.

  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 67% of American workers are unhappy in their present work situation.

  • An article in American Psychologist in 2000 revealed that 26% of adult Americans reported being on the verge of a serious nervous breakdown.

  • Seven of the top-selling drugs worldwide are either antidepressants or anti-ulcer medications, and stress is cited as a prime factor in the need for both, noted the journal Behavioral Healthcare earlier this year.

  • When asked how much money