Consumer catalog and online spending dipped from $19.3 billion in 2001 to $19 billion in 2002, according to the spring 2003 trend report on catalog activity from Abacus.
The spending decline reflected 800,000 fewer households making purchases in 2002. In 2001, 49.1 million households did so, compared to 48.3 million last year. The total number of transactions between the two years fell from 191.3 million to 189.7 million, while the average order size was off from $101 to $100.
The accessories, children and other categories all declined, while gifts, senior-market, mens, and books/music/video products, showed increases. With 37% growth, to more than $553 million, books, music and video showed the largest increase. Conversely, “Other”, which includes pool gear, business merchandise, travel package and supplies, household pet and horse products and non-profit/fundraising experienced the biggest decline