Ricola Rewards Good Samaritans

Ricola USA next week begins a sweeps for its iconic cough drops.

The Find the Mystery Cougher sweepstakes asks consumers to watch for an anonymous cougher and offer a Ricola cough drop. Those who do can win $1 million, $100,000 or $1,000 in cash.

Morris Plains, NJ-based Ricola posts clues to the Mystery Cougher’s identity and location on its Web site Ricolausa.com. The effort celebrates the 75th anniversary of Ricola’s cough drops.

The campaign breaks Sept. 20 with an announcement on Fox New Channel’s morning news show. The Mystery Cougher hacks on from Oct. 1 through February. Advertising, P-O-P, sampling, special packaging and local radio support the national campaign. The A Team, New York City, handles.

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