In the fast-paced, competitive world of high-technology marketing, companies need to find an extra edge to maintain high growth rates.

Citrix Systems, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, is a software and services provider of server-based computing which has experienced annual growth in excess of 50%. It has a seasoned lead generation process for its nationwide business-to-business reseller organization, but increasing competition drove Citrix to improve upon that process to maintain that high growth rate.

Citrix was satisfied with the strategic planning, response management and execution capabilities of its lead generation programs. But it realized that it needed to better understand its customers’ problems and pains to effectively communicate with – and persuade – its target customers.

Nothing can replace speaking directly with your audience. Marketers need to schedule time to conduct in-depth interviews with customers and non-customers. It’s important to see how customers use the product, and discuss their daily problems – and solutions.

The results from the one-to-one interviews conducted for Citrix provided insight into three major business issues surrounding server-based computing: centralized management, remote access and controlling information technology costs. Further, the interviews helped to uncover ideas and phrases that became the springboard for creative development for the direct marketing campaign. These included reducing cost of PC ownership, the “feeding frenzy” to upgrade PCs, and fast response to remote users who need help.

The findings from the interviews were translated into a “message map” which gave the creative teams a visual representation of the market issues. Based on this, 17 different creative concepts were developed. Plus, five new offers were conceived as an alternative to Citrix’s existing free CD offer.

These concepts and offers were then taken to focus groups for sort test evaluation. Focus groups are ideal for gaining insight into a customer’s beliefs, attitudes, decision process and concerns. They also help evaluate raw ideas or concepts. From the initial 17 concepts, six were selected to go into a quantitative mail survey.

Mail-based surveys are an effective market research tool because of their ability to collect large amounts of data with accuracy. Mail surveys can help determine market interest for a product category; sort the importance of messages, headlines and offers; and even identify sales leads. The Citrix survey helped determine which of the six creative concepts would be opened first, and which offers would generate the highest response.

Based upon the findings of the one-on-one interviews, the focus groups and the mail study, direct mail concepts were implemented, the results of which were dramatic. Response rate improved by over 200% from the prior direct mail package.

A 6-x-9 full-color envelope was used. Strong illustrative graphics grabbed the reader’s attention, and the headlines focused on a key benefit, which was derived from the research. The offer of a free CD, an article reprint from Network Magazine, and a limited quantity free offer sweetened the package.

Remember, to effectively communicate and be persuasive, you must be empathetic with your target customers. Market research is a powerful tool that can help bring focus to your customers’ key issues and questions.