731 results for: SEO

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How to Use Google+ to Help Your Marketing Efforts

Google+, whether you actually use it or not, has become a significant tool marketers can’t afford to ignore. With 250 million users and its role in search engine optimization, marketers should understand how they can leverage the social media channel for their campaigns. Here are five ways marketers can use Google+: 1) include keywords and…

How to Optimize LinkedIn for Lead Generation

Neal Schaffer, author of award-winning book “Maximizing LinkedIn for Sales and Social Media Marketing” and “Windmill Networking: Maximizing LinkedIn,” gives his advice in a Q&A on how businesses can optimize their presence on LinkedIn. When asked how to optimize a LinkedIn business page, Schaffer says: attract followers, set up the page for success with SEO…

Content Marketing Can Greatly Help With SEO

Content marketing is not a replacement for SEO, but it can greatly help it. Skills like graphic design, video production and copywriting are important when generating content, especially in a time when the web is filled with dull graphics dumped out by cheap content producers. All too often content producers do not consider what consumers…

Do Search Engines Want Twitter in Search Results?

According to Search Engine Land, Twitter is opening up its search results and preventing bots from crawling the results for users, videos and images. From an SEO perspective, the domain authority Twitter has should be enough to rank well regarding certain instances- like garnering large amounts of rankings from hashtags during big events. But, search…

Google Updates Algorithm to ‘Improve Diversity’ Domains in Search Results

Google’s latest algorithm update is supposed to resolve the issue of some search results turning up lots of pages from the same domain, but it remains to be seen if it will have a significant impact. Meanwhile, app marketers have some things to consider regarding the iPhone 5, and Groupon is looking to become more…

Jumptap Introduces Way to Target Mobile Ads Using Behavior and Offline Data

Jumptap, a mobile ad network, is partnering with publishers and data providers to help advertisers better distinguish between consumers displaying different types of behavior. Meanwhile, LivingSocial is going to slow its pace of acquisitions, while comments from Groupon’s CFO boosted its shares. Read on for more industry news and insights. Industry News and Perspectives: Jumptap’s…

Yahoo CEO Reviews All New Hires While Apple Hints at iPhone 5 Launch Date

Yahoo’s CEO Marissa Mayer is following in the footsteps of Google’s co-founders by reviewing every single new hire at her company. Meanwhile, Apple makes a fairly clear suggestion that it will reveal the iPhone 5 on Sept. 12, and Starbucks is offering a deal via LivingSocial. Read on for more interesting industry news. Marissa Mayer…

Lead Generation Is the Top Objective for 54% of B2B Digital Marketing Programs

A recent survey from Webmarketing123 found that generating leads is the top objective for more than half of B2B digital marketing programs. The survey also found that the majority of digital marketers measure the effectiveness of SEO programs by overall volume of traffic. According to the “State of Digital Marketing: 2012 Report,” 54 percent of…

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