Now, Where Have I Heard that Name?

Marketing services agency Zeta Interactive yesterday announced that George DiGuido has been promoted to vice president of e-mail marketing.

“E-mail marketing remains one of the cornerstones of the Zeta Interactive suite of services and we’re confident that George will bring intelligent leadership and aggressive determination to its management and execution,” said Anthony Onesto, COO of Zeta Interactive, in a statement.

That’s funny. Why would they quote the COO in reference to a marketing position? Ops guys generally know next to nothing about marketing.

Very strange.

Hmmm… Wait a minute.

DiGuido … DiGuido … DiGuido.

Why is that name ringing a bell?

Haven’t we run across a DiGuido somewhere else? And it’s not like Smith or Jones where we’d run across them all the time.

Man, I’m drawing a complete blank on this one. Where the heck have I heard that name before?

Was it a conference? A cocktail party? …

A cocktail party.

Wait a minute! I’ve got it! It was at an AA meeting! Yeah, that’s it! An AA meeting!

Oops, hold on. That’s not it. I just remembered I sprinted out of my first AA meeting when I realized the goal was to stop drinking. Hey, I thought it was a place where we could all get hammered, black out and soil ourselves without exchanging names. Who knew?

Jeez. Where the heck…? Tap tap tap.


Isn’t the CEO of Zeta Interactive named Al DiGuido? Why yes! Now that I think of it, the CEO of Zeta Interactive is named Al DiGuido!


Al DiGuido is CEO. George DiGuido has just been promoted as vice president of e-mail.

Al DiGuido, George DiGuido.

Is there a connection there?

Do you think? … Naaahhhh. … Can’t be.

It has to be a coincidence.

Yeah, that’s it. Just a coincidence.

But what a coincidence. What are the odds of having two guys named DiGuido with executive roles at the same company?

It’s kind of a weird coincidence, though, isn’t it? They probably sing the Twilight Zone theme song when they pass each other in the hall. Do-do-do-do. Do-do-do-do.

Editor’s note: The AA gag above was in no way meant to imply anyone mentioned in this piece has ever had any reason to go to an AA meeting. AA is a wonderful organization. Also, Al DiGuido has every right to hire and promote relatives at his company. This piece was meant as a joke, and nothing more.