Noonan’s Game Plan

DIRECT caught up with Kevin Noonan, the new executive director of the Association for Interactive Marketing, during his second day on the job in early November.

DIRECT: How do you like your new job so far?

NOONAN: It’s my second day and it’s really fun. I’ve been a member of AIM since 1996, so it’s like coming home.

DIRECT: How would you state AIM’s mission?

NOONAN: It’s pretty simple: helping direct and interactive marketers succeed and make money.

DIRECT: What’s the biggest issue facing AIM members?

NOONAN: Growing their businesses and keeping ahead of the trends and legislative issues in these challenging economic times.

DIRECT: Have you introduced yourself to the AIM board and members yet?

NOONAN: I heard from a couple by e-mail, but I haven’t gotten around to that yet. I really look forward to it.

DIRECT: According to the DMA, of which AIM is an independent subsidiary, your mandate is to add 100 members to 300-member AIM rolls. How will you do that?

NOONAN: My plan is to go out there and articulate our strengths and benefits. For $2,000, there is no other vehicle around that provides the actionable intelligence and moneymaking opportunities for our membership that AIM does. One hundred would be a very nice number to hit. In this economy it’s not going to be easy, but we’re going to do it.

DIRECT: Will you be allowed to leverage the DMA membership to build AIM’s?

NOONAN: I’ll do whatever it takes