News Briefs

AMERICAN HONDA MOTOR CO., INC.: kicks off a multi-city U.S. sales tour for the introduction of its 2007 Honda “Fit” brand today. The tour will visit 21 markets to introduce the car (due in showrooms this spring) to 7,500 sales people. Santa Monica, CA-based Campos Creative Works Inc. handles.

VERISIGN, INC.: has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Watertown, MA-based m-Qube for $250 million. VeriSign recently acquired 3united, a wireless applications service provider, and Kontiki, extending its digital content platform.

YMCA: hosts its 15th annual Healthy Kids Day on April 8 at 1,400 YMCA facilities nationally. Sponsors Disney Channel, Tropicana, Kimberly-Clark Corp. (including Huggies, Pull-Ups and The Neat Sheet brands) will reach 500,000 kids (and parents) during day-long activities including hip-hop dance classes, stroller workouts, family yoga demonstrations, fitness scavenger hunts, no-bake cooking lessons and health screenings.