Micro Soft Words

What are you most thankful for? Is it the ability to communicate your feelings? The bread you eat, or the bread you make? The bread you make buys the bread you eat, but I’d still rather have a great meal than a little extra cash. Family and health reign supreme, and friends are there for you, but when you are alone, you are alone. Perhaps not in spirit, but it is when you are isolated that you have the most to be thankful for. At least that’s the way I see it. I spent fourteen hours today talking to people and taking action, and it was constant sensory overload. I wasn’t thankful for anything. All was well, relatively, and I don’t have any complaints, relatively, but it wasn’t until about my third solo hour that I began to delve back into my “being thankful” stage. Label me the optimist in the bunch, but tonight the tile glistens. And it’s so hard to get glistening tile. It has usually been stained or spilled upon, maybe tracked with mud or covered in grease. But not this evening. It is pristine and free of its normal residue, the typical baggage, the standard paranoia. Uncluttered by superfluous words and free from form du jour. I have decided to leave you with a blank page while I leave myself with golden thoughts…. wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity to enjoy them.

Bryan May
[email protected]