Method to your Madness

What’s the method to your madness? I know for me, it’s relationship marketing. Here are five marketing methods guaranteed to help you grow profitable and satisfying partner relationships.

Do you implement these marketing methods into your sales and business development plans? If not, start.

Relationship Marketing

Increase your sales by 50% without increasing your marketing budget by nurturing, retaining, and maintaining your partner relationships with your existing partner base. It’s all about partner marketing, identify your top 25 and grow relationships with them- personally and professionally. I was recently in New York and had the pleasure of spending time with some of my partners- we had a great time! Not just talking about biz but talking about travels, films, champagne, everything. Get to know your top partners.

Viral Marketing

How did Hotmail gain over 12 million subscribers in 18 months? The answer lies in the power of “buzz.”  Buzz or word-of-mouth marketing influences more people to buy, or not to buy products and services, than most other forms of marketing. Why is it so powerful? Basically, we have a need to share information as a means of communication and also as a way of understanding the world around us. So, start creating a BUZZ by implementing guerilla marketing tactics.

Guerilla Marketing

Remember the 16-foot-tall sculpture of an impeccably dressed bald man sitting amidst piles of books at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade a couple years ago? That was the Ask Jeeves butler. Through this guerilla marketing tactic, Ask Jeeves received national attention and thousands of visits to their website that day.

Does your affiliate organization understand breakthrough, grassroots-oriented marketing in contrast to traditional advertising as a sole means of awareness? If not, get creative TODAY.

Public Relations

Every day in your business, something happens that others should know about. Issue email blasts, press releases, anything that is newsworthy- meaning information that has a unique value proposition. To get more personal, consider having the face of your affiliate network speak at industry events. Public Speaking can be one of the best methods of marketing your affiliate organization, but how do you create a lasting impression? How about adding a little humor to your next speech? Check out all speaking opportunities in online advertising conferences- AdTech, Affiliate Summit, go crazy.


Advertise! Develop strategies such as ad placement, frequency, etc. Check out Digital Moses, AdBumb, iMedia. The key is to get your brand in front of as many people as possible.

Care to chat? Drop me a line: [email protected]