Data & Analytics
Modern Marketing Health Check: How Does Your Company Stack Up?
Marketers are increasingly expected to take on non-traditional activities, and drive strategy—all to expedite change. While this may feel at times like “sailing against the wind” there is little doubt that a significant transformation is taking place.
5 Ways to Maintain Brand Integrity with Distributed Marketing
A distributed marketing model can lead to a fractured a marketing operations environment where it is difficult for corporate to maintain control of messaging.
Cross-Channel Marketing: Is There a Quick Fix?
Although cross-channel marketing solutions are discussed, the topic is overwhelming. Learn how to cut through the noise.
Data & Analytics
Inside’s Marketing Infrastructure Group has tons of user data from its 2.7 million subscribers, and it created a new Marketing Infrastructure group within its organization to handle it all, with team members who have the IT expertise, marketing skills and analytics know-how to work closely with all of those individual groups.
Getting the Most From ROI Dashboard Tech
There are some challenges and potential missteps that marketing teams need to be aware of when leveraging new ROI dashboard tech solutions.
3 Ways Hybrid Email Technology Will Change Big Data Marketing
Hybrid email marketing which combines the security and access to data of an on-premises system with the ease of use & reliability of the cloud. Is it for you?
Creating a Marketing Tech Blueprint
Managing complex marketing technology deployments can be a challenge, and it’s up to marketing and IT departments to come together to create a tech blueprint that will allow marketers to handle campaigns and customer relationships.
Marketing Ops Tech Tips
Marketers who are getting the most out of their marketing ops tech systems are implementing systems that are easy to use, integrate with other systems in their organizations and make ongoing training a priority through creating a marketing operations center of excellence, according to recent data from Gleanster Research.
Big Brands Summon Crowds for Help
Crowdsourcing is becoming a popular tactic for brands small and large to find unexpected innovation beyond their internal teams.
Data & Analytics
Waging the War for Data Science Talent
Relatively few individuals have the training and experience to comprehend the big data landscape and make sense of what is going on.