Marketers are slowly taking advantage of one particular facet of the mobile phone: It goes just about anywhere.
The latest to see the virtue of ubiquity is Kraft Foods, which has launched a “Recipes on the Go” mobile Web site at where in-store users can access Kraft’s online database of recipes. They can examine ingredients, find out details about prep and cooking times, and even create shopping lists.
The site is basically a free version of a paid iPhone app, iFood Assistant, that Kraft rolled out last year. A recent report from Forrester Research singled out the iFood Assistant as an iTunes app success story, noting that it’s been a strong seller at 99 cents — though iTouch users have been complaining that there aren’t enough Wi Fi-enabled supermarkets.
Retailers should remember that shoppers in their aisles are basically now carrying small computers in their pockets, with access to competitors’ pricing. In April Google rolled out a mobile version of its Product Search app optimized both for iPhones and for the Google smartphone platform Android. Users can type a product name into the query box, tap “Shopping” results and get back a page full of online ratings, reviews and prices.
The Short, Happy Life of Mobile Apps
The average iPhone app is used 19.9 times before being dropped
Consumers engage with an app for 9.6 minutes per session
Source: Greystripe Consumer Insights Report, April 2009