About 27% of cell-phone toting American adults, or 34 million people, used the text message feature between Jan. 13 and Feb. 9, according to a nationwide phone survey of 1,460 cell phone users by Washington-based Pew Internet & American Life Project.
The research group said that an estimated 134 million U.S. consumers have cell phones.
Of those who said they use the texting feature, 28% received unsolicited commercial text messages on their phone.
The most likely texters are between the ages of 18-27 (63%), while 31% of consumers aged 28-39 said they have used their cell phones for text messaging.
Cell phone texters also tend be technologically oriented. Some 58% have broadband at home and 73% have at least six years experience with the Internet. However, 9% said they were not Internet users, the study found.