Love by the Book

Posted on by Chief Marketer Staff

So how was your Valentine’s Day? If you live in Alexandria, VA, Cambridge, MA or Miami, chances are it was pretty steamy. Or at least well researched.

As you may have heard, those three locales topped’s list of the “Top 20 Most Romantic Cities in America.” The late-January listing was based on sales figures for romance novels, relationship and sex books since Jan. 1 on a per-capita basis in cities with more than 100,000 residents. (Sounds hot, doesn’t it?)

Cambridge lives up to its egghead image, with 58% of its romantic book purchases being tomes about relationships. Ann Arbor, MI — fifth on the list — doesn’t have that problem: 24% of its romantic buys are books about sex.

All this is fascinating. We can’t wait for other DMers to give us similar demographic data. Maybe Omaha Steaks can tell us which cities are most in need of cardiac surgeons, based on beef consumption. Or perhaps Avon will let us know which ZIP codes smell the best, based on perfume sales. The latter, we suspect, may intersect with Amazon’s findings.


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