Live from PROMO Expo: Reaching the Hispanic Mom

(Promo) Hispanic buying power is expected to reach $1 trillion by 2010. And Latino women — key influencers and buyers — are more educated, more informed and more open to establishing relationships with brands that respect their cultural roots and language preferences than ever before, Bonnie Garcia, president of Market Vision, said Wednesday.

“It is not easy to target this consumer because of subculture nuances and language preferences,” Garcia said.

She said the 10 major Hispanic markets are morphing into a more national audience, with 26% of Latino women using a personal computer, 54% being employed and 45% with household incomes over $35,000.

“It’s going to become more of a national proposition as opposed to the top 10 cities,” she said.

She said 0-17 year old Hispanics would be a force to be reckoned with. Fifty-six percent of Hispanic households have children versus 33% of the total U.S. population. Currently, one in five births in the U.S. are Hispanic and by 2010 that number will be one in four.

“It is hip to be Hispanic, you no longer have to hide behind a Latino name, you can wear it with pride,” said Tim O’Krongly, vice president, business development at Market Vision.

Marketers that rely too heavily on mainstream media may miss their mark when targeting Hispanics.

“You have to do a deep dive and reach into local venues in Hispanic neighborhoods in their language,” Garcia said.

Fisher-Price recently began an integrated marketing plan to reach moms 18-34 to increase toy ownership among families.

Prior to building the campaign, developed by San Antonio, TX-based Market Vision, teams took Web cams out into Hispanic neighborhoods to learn about preferences in toy ownership and buying. Some of the questions asked were: What qualities are important in selecting a toy? What toy brands are top of mind? How do you decide what types of toys to purchase? Where do you purchase toys?

“We like to get right into their minds,” Garcia said.

Armed with that data, plans unfolded to include TV, radio, billboards and online all carrying the Spanish tag line: Play with Them, Laugh with Them, Grow with Them. Video of the TV spots played at doctor’s offices and custom published magazines about Fisher-Price toys were available as well.

A key component in the campaign was the Fisher-Price “playpen” set up at festivals across the country. At the giant playpen, kids and their parents played with all kinds of Fisher-Price toys, had their pictures taken and were given information on the toys and a checklist of which toys to buy for Christmas.

Live from PROMO Expo: Reaching the Hispanic Mom

Hispanic buying power is expected to reach $1 trillion by 2010.

And Latino women—key influencers and buyers—are more educated, more informed and more open to establishing relationships with brands that respect their cultural roots and language preferences than ever before, Bonnie Garcia, president of Market Vision, said yesterday.

“It is not easy to target this consumer because of subculture nuances and language preferences,” Garcia said.

She said the 10 major Hispanic markets are morphing into a more national audience, with 26% of Latino women using a personal computer, 54% being employed and 45% with household incomes over $35,000.

“It’s going to become more of a national proposition as opposed to the Top Ten cities,” she said.

She said 0-17 year old Hispanics would be a force to be reckoned with. Fifty-six percent of Hispanic households have children versus 33% of the total U.S. population. Currently, one in five births in the U.S. are Hispanic and by 2010 that number will be one in four.

“It is hip to be Hispanic, you no longer have to hide behind a Latino name, you can wear it with pride,” said Tim O’Krongly, VP-business development at Market Vision.

Marketers that rely too heavily on mainstream media may miss their mark when targeting Hispanics.

“You have to do a deep dive and reach into local venues in Hispanic neighborhoods in their language,” Garcia said.

Fisher-Price recently began an integrated marketing plan to reach moms 18-34 to increase toy ownership among families.

Prior to building the campaign, developed by San Antonio, TX-based Market Vision, teams took Web cams out into Hispanic neighborhoods to learn about preferences in toy ownership and buying. Some of the questions asked were: What qualities are important in selecting a toy? What toy brands are top of mind? How do you decide what types of toys to purchase? Where do you purchase toys?

“We like to get right into their minds,” Garcia said.

Armed with that data, plans unfolded to include TV, radio, billboards and online all carrying the Spanish tag line: Play with Them, Laugh with Them, Grow with Them. Video of the TV spots played at doctor’s offices and custom published magazines about Fisher-Price toys were available as well. A key component in the campaign was the Fisher-Price “playpen” set up at festivals across the country. At the giant playpen, kids and their parents played with all kinds of Fisher-Price toys, had their pictures taken and were given information on the toys and a checklist of which toys to buy for Christmas.