Listline e-Newsletter 04/11/06

* ESAPCO Master File

* Multiple Magazine Subscribers

* One2One Living Magazine

* American Donors Who Support Government Reform

* NHD American Baby Boomers Master File

* Gardening List Strategies

* People in the News

* Psychology Today


ESAPCO Master File

Engineering Services & Products Co. now offers the 656,145-name ESAPCO master file. Those listed bought agricultural, building, repair and maintenance, electrical and plumbing products. Brands purchased include FarmTek, TekSupply, and Growers Supply. The average sale was $450. Direct mail is the source.
Selections: Hotlines, max per company, industry type, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M (base)
Contact: Direct Media Inc., Julie Salles at 203-532-2492 or [email protected]

Multiple Magazine Subscribers

Subscribers to more than one publication in specific magazine categories are available. Separate files have been assembled for home and garden, sports, family, food, health and fitness, do-it-yourself, and women’s magazines. The files offer segments for the number of individuals’ subscriptions, ranging from 17,884 for subscribers to four women’s books to 1.8 million for subscribers to five health and fitness magazines.
Selections: Gender, age, income, credit card, mail order buyers, homeowners, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $75/M to $90/M (depending on number of individuals’ subscriptions)
Contact: Contact Marketing, Orly Kaniel at 201-530-0200, ext. 101 or [email protected]

One2One Living Magazine

One2One Living LLC is offering a list of subscribers to One2One Living. The magazine targets unmarried adults who reportedly are interested in technology products. Some 95,000 are identified; most subscribed online.
Selections: Age, income, gender, recency, hotline, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: Worldata, Jay Schwedelson at 561-393-8200, ext. 176 or [email protected]

American Donors Who Support Government Reform

This file names more than 373,000. Donors responded to direct mail appeals in support of campaign finance reform, balanced budgets and setting ethical standards for the White House. The average contribution was $25.
Selections: Age, income, occupation, presence of children, credit card, donation amount, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M
Contact: CPC Associates Inc. Amy Williamson at 215-734-1220 or [email protected]

NHD American Baby Boomers Master File

The National Household Database now includes a baby boomer segment. More than 58.4 million names are on the NHD American Baby Boomers master file. Sources include direct mail, voter registration records and the Internet.
Selections: Hotlines, income, age, dwelling type, telephone numbers, lifestyle, gender state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M
Contact: McCarthy Media Group Inc., Mike McCarthy at 608-837-4343 or [email protected] and Michelle McCarthy at 608-837-4343 or [email protected]


Gardening List Strategies
By Jim Emerson

Big-box retailers are contributing to a slow but steady erosion of counts for many gardening lists, but mailers with a desire to fight back know several ways to sustain viable mailing lists.

Retailers like Home Depot have stayed out of the list rental market, but if they ever did enter there’d certainly be a gusher of new names available. Most of those identified on gardening files are still being sourced by direct mail, but the Internet’s role in generating names is growing.

Heidi Thibodean, director of catalog list brokerage at Millard Group Inc., described how mailers are deploying some of the following strategies to keep their house files robust:

* Mailers are enhancing lists by renting names and overlaying data from cooperative databases.

* Some gardening mailers are drilling down in lists to uncover stock-keeping units (SKUs) that identify the types of products purchased. This, in turn, helps DMers target more specific market segments.

* More names are coming from search engines, but this source’s potential is still largely untapped. Some firms probably get 30% of their new names from search engines, but not proactively. Mostly it’s customers finding companies, rather than the other way around, according to Thibodean.

* Data enhancements are being used, but not widely, because the counts for many gardening lists are perceived as being too small for overlaying data. Only a few gardening mailers are using data from the Z-24 cooperative database to upgrade files, she said.

* Mailers are expanding lists by adding more hard goods to product mixes during off-peak seasons. But buyers of gardening supplies don’t necessarily convert to buyers of live plant products.

Base prices for gardening lists have remained fairly steady, typically in the $100/M to $110/M range.

People in the News

Rosalie Garcia has been promoted to vice president at Walter Karl Inc. Garcia formerly was a senior list management account executive.


Psychology Today

A $10/M discount off the regular base price is being offered for this magazine’s file. Some 194,000 subscribers are named. Contact ALC Data Management, Marianne DiLoreto at 914-524-5226 or [email protected]