* International Masters Publishers
* Arizona Highways
* County Government Executives
* Redvector.com
* StreetAuthority Investor Postal Master File
* American Military Society
* Incident Prevention
* Casino Vacationers
International Masters Publishers
ALC Data Management now oversees International Masters Publishers’ continuity club lists. IMP offers more than 20 files, including a master file with 857,958 records. Other lists in this group include IMP computers, cooking, crafts, health and home repair. Names of Spanish-speaking buyers, families, new movers and seniors also are available. Inquiries for customized selections will be considered. Direct Media Inc. previously managed this data.
Selections: Hotlines, change of address, dollar amount of purchase, enhanced selects, multibuyers, number of shipments, product interest, category, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M (master file)
Contact: ALC Data Management, Britt Bean-Perry at 609-580-2752 or [email protected]
Arizona Highways
The Arizona Department of Transportation recently appointed Walter Karl Inc. to manage the Arizona Highways magazine and catalog lists. The magazine has 126,698 subscribers. Among the 8,000 buyers listed are 1,600 Canadians and 6,000 from Australia, Europe and Mexico. Listworks Corp. was the previous manager.
Selections: State/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M (subscribers); $175/M (buyers)
Contact: Walter Karl Inc., Maureen Northey at 845-732-7035 or [email protected]
County Government Executives
Carroll Publishing appointed Chessie Lists Inc. to manage the County Government Executives list. A total of 55,293 records are available. They are derived from Carroll’s directories database, which includes information from nearly 3,100 counties and parishes nationwide. Statlistics was the former manager.
Selections: Gender, officials, job function, management level, party, population, max per site, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $135/M
Contact: Chessie Lists Inc., Shawn Buettner at 301-680-3633, ext. 110 or [email protected]
Redvector.com Inc. tapped Information Refinery Inc. to manage its list of 53,000 architects, engineers and contractors. The count has increased significantly since the last update when it was 29,000, according to the list manager. Redvector provides continuing education services for licensed and certified professionals. The sources for this file are direct mail and Web site registrations. MetaResponse Group Inc. previously managed this file.
Selections: Type of engineer, profession, title/position, origin of license, gender, home/business office, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $125/M
Contact: Information Refinery Inc., Jeffrey Hudes at 800-529-9020 or [email protected]
StreetAuthority Investor Postal Master File
Financial publisher StreetAuthority LLC has released a master file of 100,252 newsletter subscribers (including trial subs). Readers typically are active stock investors. Subscriptions range from $100 to $300 annually for titles such as Paul Tracy’s StreetAuthority Investor Update and Ed Saltzberg’s MoneyFlow Winners. The sources are Internet registrations, direct mail and space advertising.
Selections: Last-six-month hotline, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M (master file)
Contact: MetaResponse Group Inc., Dorothy Laudano at 954-360-0644, ext. 202 or [email protected] and Raechel Sorge at 954-360-0644, ext. 217 or [email protected]
American Military Society
An active paid membership list is now available from the American Military Society. This file identifies 157,848 members who paid $18 in annual dues and receive the AMS Advocate magazine. Members include active and retired military personnel from all branches of the armed forces. Ninety-four percent are women, average age 67. A separate prospect file with more than 900,000 records is also available.
Selections: Gender, military rank/branch/status, active/retired, age, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $90/M (members); $70/M (prospects)
Contact: Infocus Marketing Inc., Beth Donley at 800-708-5478, ext. 3248 or [email protected]
Incident Prevention
The new magazine Incident Prevention is offering its controlled circulation list of more than 30,000 subscribers. Recipients include safety professionals who work for electric, gas, water and telecommunications utilities.
Selections: Job title/function, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $130/M
Contact: Statlistics, Jennifer Felling at 203-778-8700, ext. 138 or [email protected]
Casino Vacationers
Self-identified gamblers who responded to multiple direct mail questionnaires are named on Casino Vacationers, a list of 289,295 records generated during the last 12 months.
Selections: Quarterly hotline, household income, telephone numbers, age, presence of credit card, children by age, length of residence, gender, homeowner, marital status, lifestyle interests, mail order buyer, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $90/M
Contact: Mail Marketing Inc., Bob Carr at 201-750-3222, ext. 22 or [email protected]