List and Database News

Reading Devotees Mail Order Buyers

Mail Marketing Inc. has unveiled this 6.6-million-name 12-month buyer file of books and magazines of cookbooks, fiction and devotional literature.
Selections: Income, age, marital status, credit card, state/SCF/ZIP
Cost: $80/M
Contact: Mail Marketing Inc., 201-750-3222

Quadratic Essentials Catalog Buyers Master File
New updates on this nearly 1.3 million-name list of buyers from this automobile parts catalog are available from McCarthy Media Group Inc. The sources are direct mail, catalogs, card decks and electronic marketing.
Selections: 30-day, three-month, six-month buyers, gender, credit card, state/SCF/ZIP
Cost: $95/M
Contact: McCarthy Media Group Inc., 608-329-6097

SC Magazine
Aggressive List Management has updated this 37,573-name list of qualified executives who receive this controlled circulation magazine about information security in business, government, educational and medical institutions.
Selections: Business/industry, job function, number of employees, purchasing influence, state/SCF/ZIP
Cost: $220/M
Contact: Aggressive List Management, 847-304-4030

Retired Federal Government Employees
This newly updated file of 50,942 retirees compiled from questionnaires about lifestyles and other demographic information is on the market and includes 28,018 phone numbers.
Selections: Gender, income, age, state/SCF/ZIP
Cost: $85/M
Contact: Fred Woolf List Co., 914-694-4466