List and Database News

Posted on by Chief Marketer Staff

PC Security Shield

This new last 12-month buyers file contains 127,175 records. These consumers, small businesses and home offices bought software to protect computers from viruses, hackers and pop-up ads. The source is the Internet.
Selections: Home address, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $125/M
Contact: 21st Century Marketing, 631-306-5249

Timeshare Sweepstakes Buyers
This universe of 302,000 names was generated from direct response TV, direct mail and telemarketing. Their average unit of sale ranged from $10 to $198.
Selections: Age, gender, telephone, credit card, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $75/M (postal); $150/M (telemarketing)
Contact: Listdata Management Services Inc., 845-357-1881

Avid Astrology Readers
These 34,000 consumers purchase and read astrology books and magazines, according to their online survey responses. Women comprise roughly 55% of the file.
Selections: None offered
Price: $90/M
Contact: Country Marketing, 314-895-7737

Business Purveyor
Opportunity seekers who requested information about starting an Internet store and purchased inventories are listed on this 28,000 record buyer file. These individuals made wholesale purchases of products such as cameras, audio components, housewares and sporting goods to sell on Web sites.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M (base)
Contact: Pioneer Pacific List Marketing Inc., 818-783-7500


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