Letters to the Editor

No doubt, over the last few months, you have wondered, along with thousands of your constituents, what will be the plight of the U.S. Postal Service over the next few years.

I would like to offer some insight, and opinions, as a 28- year veteran mailman with this organization.

The Postal Service is in dire straits….calls, and pleas have been made to Congress to help straighten out the mess… But it seems that Congress is not interested, {at least not at this time, until they determine which lobby group will ante up the most money to hear their cause}!!

Anyway, you fellows who make your billions a year on postal advertising have a strong lobby with Congress too! That’s why I’m betting that you guys are just a little more than upset that the legislators didn’t want to enact some sort of Postal Reform in the near future!

As a postal veteran, having served as a dedicated civil service employee over these past 28 years, I would LOVE to offer you my insight, and experience on what needs to be done to right this sinking ship.

But I also know that since I am just a peon, or pawn in this game when it comes to the “big picture,” my opinions mean absolutely nothing!!

So, the final frontier of the PO will be to let those who have no idea, or clue on how the PO operates, dictate its future!!!

If this happens, we will be out of business within 3 to 5 years.

All of you DM or PostCom types will be cheering this on, but just remember, who in the next generation of delivery services will give you what you want , for the price you want….UPS?? ….Fed Ex??? Airborne?? Fanny Mae’s mail delivery service???

Good luck to all of you advertising ‘magnates’ who still think that the PO can deliver all your ads to every address in America every day for nothing!!

Maybe in the future you can make a new contract with whomever the ‘new’ delivery service will be in the US. I hope all your ad mail gets as good of treatment as it is now…if not, blame it on the cheap labor!!!

A real person, a real letter carrier,

Mark S Schneider
Mountain View Station
Tucson, AZ