Letters to the Editor

Re: Court Restricts Junk Faxes (Direct Newsline, March 25, 2003) There is nothing more helpful than a court providing solutions for which there isn’t a problem. Have the courts forgotten that we are a capitalist economy dependent on advertising among other methods of communicating with suspects, prospects, and customers? And why limit a ban to faxes?

I can think of eight reasons why I shouldn’t receive unsolicited direct mail, beginning with the physical effort of carrying it from my mail box to the mental torture of the decision making process of opening or not, reading or not, purchasing or not! Then there are all those unwanted ads I’m forced to pay for when all I really want is to get the news in print, radio, and on TV. My attorney is looking for a good court in which to sue.

Does anyone remember the Field Enterprise effort to produce an ad Free NY Newspaper called, I believe, PM? They soon added free ads to get People to buy their paper. Every unsolicited Fax I receive has a toll-free number to get my name off their list. A recent one even asked me to “please” let them know if I wasn’t interested so that they could save the faxing cost.

If the opponents really hate those faxes, they should ask for more. Make them pay for their sins at the tiny cost of a bit of ink and a sheet of paper.

For a complete list of my reasons to outlaw all advertising, contact me at the e-address below and I’ll tell you where to send the $10 advance payment.

Fred Hahn
Author, Do-it-Yourself Advertising & Promotion