[Re: Loose Cannon: Belaboring a (Percentage) Point, Direct Newsline, September 8, 2003]
The telemarketing industry so rife with abuses deserves to be extinct.
Perhaps those involved in this industry might look for legitimate employment if they know how. The scurrilous actions of this cadre of merchant imposters sealed their own doom by their own excesses. A quiet telephone at dinner time is to be regaled by all Americans. Outrageous offers with nothing to support the claim will be happily avoided and the gullible will have a defense against the predatory nature of this industry! America will be a much better nation without the invasion of privacy telemarketing posed to its’ citizens.
Mike Bennett
Lenexa, KS
[Re: Live from the DMA B-to-B Marketing Conference: Privacy Looms as B-to-B Issue, Direct Newsline, September 10, 2003]:
Read with alarm your privacy report from the DMA B2B conference. The slippery slope gets slipperier and steeper. One wonders whether to preemptively lobby against US emulation of EU policies to throw yet another monkey wrench into the wheels of commerce. But perhaps this should be incorporated into missives aimed at Messrs. Rove, Bush, et. al. to show them the logical conclusion of this magnificent bureaucratic obsession with privacy.
Anyone who can’t deal with the occasional unsolicited pitch shouldn’t be in business. What’s next: prohibition of door-to-door salespeople who blanket the restaurants of American selling ads and such? How about pharmaceutical representatives calling on doctors? More jobs to kill!
Terry Nugent
Director of Marketing
Medical Marketing Service, Inc. (MMS)
Wood Dale, IL