[Re: Loose Cannon: Dude, Where’s My Campaign? Direct Newsline, June 4, 2004]:
President Bush’s “personal appearances – [may be] constrained by his official duties” as you have pointed out, but he certainly hasn’t let that stop him from using every venue as an opportunity to campaign. Perhaps not recognizing every statement Bush makes as a stump speech, the media have evidently not felt obliged to grant equal time to Kerry, and as a result we see less of him.
As to when Bush is going to “get down in the trenches” (referring to the political ones and not the real ones he successfully avoided), I don’t think he has ever left them or missed any opportunity to widen the partisan divide. Air Force One now serves the same purpose of ferrying him from one stump to the next that the Enron jet did four years ago.
Don Douglas
Kleve, Germany (yeah, “old Europe”)