[Re: Loose Cannon: My Platinum Membership is Pre-Tarnished, Direct Newsline, Aug. 9]: Dear “Mr. Schultz”, Funny! And to think [Very Large Hotel Chain] is actually paying someone to make these blunders. I wonder if they have room on their payroll for one more? Mike Daniels Sales Representative Advantage Line Division of Call_Solutions Williston, ND * * * * * “Mr. Shultz”: Great “Loose Cannon” today. It was quite obvious that they didn’t know you well since they thought you were a respected journalist. I’m a points junkie! Tell them I’ll join. I could fake respectability! Don Hinman Acxiom Little Rock, AR * * * * * Communication gaffes that fake personal sincerity would be hilarious — if they weren’t so sad. I wonder how they treat their real personal friends. Peace and keep us smilin’. Connie F. LaMotta LaMotta Strategic Communications, Inc. Nyack, New York