Letters to the Editor

[Re: Loose Cannon: Martha Takes One For The Team, Direct Newsline, Monday, December 06, 2004]:

Great column on Martha. However, although I am one of the women who maintains “solidarity” with her, the fact is that someone did lose scads of money — whoever bought the stock she unloaded before it tanked. In light of the other CEO financial transgressions, I guess you could say it was small scads!

Lauretta Harris
Write Communications Inc.
Scarsdale, NY

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The Martha story in your newsletter is just plain stupid.

The reason women are resubscribing is because they aren’t willing to do without the creative homekeeping material that the publication contains — and there is plenty of it in Living, compared to some magazines where some publishers think that advertisers’ products are all the information that homemakers need.

Women have always known that there is an army of artists behind every Living publication. Readers’ loyalty is to THEM, not Martha. If Martha dropped dead tomorrow, the magazine would continue to rake in subscribers.

Earlene Williams
Parent Watch Inc.
New York City

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I subscriber to Direct Newsline for timely information, not lame attempts at humor. Stick to business, please.

John Morris
Springfield, MO