Letters to the Editor

[Re: Loose Cannon: Reflections During Passover and Easter, Direct Newsline, April 25, 2005]:

I was touched by that moving (actually, heartbreaking) story of Willem Blom. It is amazing that you have found an example of the horrors of the Holocaust that pertains to direct marketing – it shows how evil touches every aspect of life. Blom’s refusal to submit was truly heroic.

In a world still torn by hatred, is timely and just that you used your column for this important reminder of the worth of individual honor, in our business as well as our personal lives.

Thank you for keeping the memory of Willem Blom alive. May we all find such courage in the face of evil. I wish you and your readers a zisen Pesach.

Lauretta Harris
Write Communications Inc.,
Scarsdale, NY

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I was moved by the sincerity of the merchant’s letter, which was sent under extraordinary circumstances. How courageous this individual was, to honestly speak his mind. Especially while knowing that the contents of the letter, when found by the Nazis, might cause him and his family grave harm.

Throughout history, it has been similar brave souls like him that have eventually won the fight against injustice and tyranny. If you have other inspiring stories like this, please share them with other freedom-minded people.

Gary MacKinnon
Co-owner/director of corporate sales
Brockton Rox
Brockton, MA