Lands’ End President Mindy Meads Fired

Mindy Meads, president and CEO of apparel marketer Lands’ End, has been released from her contract less than two years after taking the post. David McCreight, executive vice president of merchandising for Lands’ End, has been named interim president of the online, catalog and bricks-and-mortar retailer.

Meads moved up within the company to that role in January 2004.

On Sunday, the Chicago Tribune reported that her termination resulted from her unwillingness to widen Lands’ End’s exposure in Sears and Kmart stores. Sears purchased Lands’ End in 2002 for $1.86 billion. The Tribune also quoted a retail consultant who questioned the wisdom of mixing Lands’ End’s offerings, which target upper-middle-class shoppers, into Sears and Kmart, which have lower price points.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday that Lands End had cut some 375 jobs earlier this year, and closed a call center in Cross Plains, WI.