Kraft Singles Finds Another “All America” Promo Partner: Disney on Ice

Kraft has just begun spreading word of a new partnership with Disney on Ice and its American Singles brand, a deal born of hard work and lessons learned over the past two years.

When Kraft struck its first partnership in 2009 for the American Singles brand, as part of its new “American Cheese” campaign, it wanted an “all American” partner to fit with its name and messaging. It also wanted a partner that would offer added value to moms through an iconic family experience. It chose Minor League Baseball.

“Baseball, of course, is the thing that comes to mind as American as apple pie, and for that reason it is a good partner for us,” explained Anne Field, senior associate brand manager, Kraft Singles.

Kraft and Minor League Baseball ran their “Tuesday Night Tickets” program from April through September 2009. Consumers received one ticket to a game for every Kraft Singles wrapper they redeemed. More than 140 teams joined the promotion, which was supported by in-store displays, radio, newspaper ads, stadium incentives and the leagues assets, including its website. All told, 28,633 wrappers were redeemed.

Based on that success, last year Kraft ran the program again. The number of teams grew to 150, and Kraft zeroed in on 30 key Kraft Singles markets, where it maximized in-stadium activation through in-park advertising and kids’ activities. It also beefed up marketing, leveraging all of the Minor League’s digital assets, a key factor in driving more than 60% of the program’s awareness. Redemption soared to 40,820.

“Success is defined by more than just the pure number of wrappers redeemed,” Field said. “We feel there is a lot of value that comes from media, in-store activity, promotional support and retailer activation that is still value to us in terms of volume moved.”

That’s when buy-in to expand the partnership program became an easy sell.

Marketers at Disney on Ice had been watching the Kraft Minor League Baseball program and had already struck up a conversation with Kraft’s consumer promotions team, so the American Singles’ team was able to quickly get meetings on the calendar and begin to flesh out the parameters for the new program. The Disney promotion does not replace the Minor League Baseball program, which is expected to begin again in April.

The Disney program launched, last week, offering consumers 50% off two tickets to any of the five Disney on Ice shows across the country through May 2011, including Disney Pixar’s Toy Story 3. The wrappers can be redeemed three ways: directly at the venue box office; mailed to the venue box office; or mailed to Disney On Ice’s customer service center.

In addition to the extensive comarketing support it had secured for the one-year partnership, Kraft has added on-pack messaging for the first time, a move that is expected to significantly improve response.

Also supporting the promotion are television, radio, print and online advertisements; in-store P-O-P materials; in-venue signage; and a dedicated website,

“From a consumer standpoint, we continue to see a lot of value from Minor League Baseball, and hence Disney on Ice,” Field said. “They are a smart spend for us because they are a way for us to help our consumer enjoy experiences she wants to and purchase Kraft singles at a time when budgets are tight.”