Kraft Looks for Latina Facebook Fans with Vacation Giveaway

Posted on by Chief Marketer Staff

To gather Latina fans for its new Spanish-language Facebook page, Kraft Foods is running a giveaway contest offering $10,000 for a family vacation and advertising the promotion using Spanish ads within Facebook.

From May 13-31, visitors who go to and click on the “Like” button for the brand page will be asked to submit their e-mail address and birth date. They will then be entered into a drawing for a $10,000 grand prize intended for a “Delicious Family Vacation” wherever they choose to go.

Facebook ads for the sweepstakes have been targeting Spanish-speaking women in particular since May 10, using data provided on their profile pages. The ads will continue to run through the end of the contest, which is being administered by

The Comida Kraft Facebook page, the company’s first effort to target Latina mothers, went live on April 1 and now numbers about 3,500 fans. The page is designed to feature recipes and how-to videos using Kraft products but also includes advice and live chat sessions with cooking experts and a wall where users can share recipes and comments. The Facebook page is being managed for Kraft by agency 360i.

“We know that Latinas are highly engaged in social networks and want to find content that really speaks to their families’ unique needs,” Kelley Woodland, senior director for consumer relationship marketing at Kraft Foods, said in a release. “Many of our brands are already favorites on the dinner table. Now we can get the conversation cooking with the Comida Kraft Facebook page.”

Besides reaching out to Facebook users with in-network ads, Kraft is also driving traffic to the page and fan sweepstakes with ads at the Web site, in its Comida y Familia custom magazine, and in an e-mail newsletter aimed at Latina moms.

Launched about five years ago, the Comida y Familia initiative has been Kraft’s cross-brand channel for addressing a Spanish-speaking audience, primarily female, about the array of its products.


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