KIND Healthy Snacks is on the move, sampling a new line of protein bars that it touts is made with “real food.”
The field team is hosting events in New York, Chicago, Miami, Seattle and other major cities through the weekend. The KIND Protein line is being sampled in taste tests alongside some of the largest protein bar brands on the market.
“Our hope is for people to realize that a protein bar can and should taste good,” Stephanie Perruzza, health and wellness specialist at KIND Snacks, says.
The live events come of the heels of an online taste comparison. The first 10,000 participants that opted-in at got a sample KIND Protein bar and the chance to compare the bar to another of their choice. The 10,000 bars were gone within three hours of the launch.
The promotion was marketed to the brand’s community through its online communication channels and was also shared through various broadcast and online channels, as well through YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
The campaign is designed is to set Kind Protein apart from competitive bars made with sugar alcohols, artificial sweeteners and/or protein isolates, she says.
“We’re so certain that KIND Protein wins on taste that we’re inviting people who are fans of competitor products to not only receive a bar of their choice, but also a free sample of ours,” says Drew Nannis, Vice President of Integrated Communications at KIND. “We know a bar with a majority of the protein coming from nuts tastes great; we’re willing to do just about anything to share that with as many people as possible.”
The protein bar category has traditionally under-indexed on delivering tasty options. Over the past year, there were 64 million Google search results related to protein and taste. Within this, “best tasting protein bars” is the No. 8 rising search query in the entire protein category, up 70% in 2017, Kind says.
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