PROMO’S 2007 P&I SURVEY: Justly Enriched
Executive summary: Employees and customers are both getting and expecting premiums and incentives, Promo survey shows.
A tenet of good business is keep your employees and customers happy. The best way of doing that is pamper them with various perks so they remain loyal. It can be everything from cash and travels to gift cards for employees to discounts for consumers.
Of the 738 marketers who participated in our annual P&I research, 43% plan to increase their employee perk budgets in 2008, up from 28% who offered such programs this year.
And the numbers are similar for consumer incentive programs. Next year they’re set to jump to 48.3%, up from 35.4% this year.
Read on to find out about the most popular incentives, where and how premiums are offered and how return on investment is measured.
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