Inside Randstad’s User-Generated Video Plan

randstad user-generated video
Randstad empowers employees across the world to generate video for a variety of purpooses.

Today, everyone has a camera with them 24/7, making user-generated video an easy way to add personality to a B2B marketing strategy. Employment/recruiting agency Randstad is using video to engage job applicants across its organization.

User-generated content can fit into a marketing strategy at every point in the marketing funnel, from discovery and consideration to conversion and retention, notes Skyler Moss, senior director of content marketing at Randstad.

The company has over 12,000 employees at 300 branches, with 12 lines of business to support—with only one full time videographer. Empowering employees across the organization to make and upload their own videos is crucial to scaling video creation for use on the company’s website and in social media.

More on B2B Video Marketing:

At Play 2018, Moss offered tips for executing user-generated video:

  • Determine the best use case. Identify the ideal prospect, know their persona and needs, and then what makes your brand different.
  • Keep the plan simple. “Don’t come up with a lot of different processes and rules for user-generated video,” he says. “Don’t get too complicated so you can get people to engage.”
  • Choose your device and medium. Again, here’s another place where you can keep it simple, he says. Everyone has at least one mobile phone at their disposal, with a camera that can shoot video that perfect quality for social sharing. Randstad employees have access to the Brightcove app to shoot and upload video to the company’s platform, where it can be tagged and formatted with intros and music to make it look professional.
  • Create loose parameters. Moss can’t stress this enough. Keep the process simple, outline a few simple bullet points that give a guideline for he process and let people run with it. Let them know the basics—how to write a script, the best way to shoot—and let them take it from there.
  • Find your champions. Look internally to see who will support the process and get them to help you make it a reality. And, make sure they get some of the credit when the strategy is a success.
  • Be the guide. Explain clearly what needs to be done and help make it happen. Something might seem obvious—like getting an external microphone for better audio or making sure your phone has enough memory and a battery charge before you start recording—but don’t assume everyone knows the basics.
  • Track everything. Make sure you know the metrics of what worked and what didn’t, so you can make sure you know how to replicate successes.