Go Ahead, They’re Listening: ATT Wireless debuts automated monitoring system

ATT Wireless Services has instituted an automated call monitoring program to track and measure the performance of a growing number of telereps employed at five inbound call centers scattered nationwide.

The system – which was installed by Fort Worth, TX-based teleservices equipment supplier Teknekron Infoswitch – monitors reps working in Austin, TX; Bothell, WA; Orlando, FL; Paramus, NJ; Pittsburgh, PA; and Sacramento, CA. Each center employs about 500 phone reps who process orders for cell phones from a variety of manufacturers and added features like call forwarding and blocking.

“Previously we would observe and listen to live conversations between phone reps and the customers and make a judgment,” says Todd Moon, quality assurance specialist for ATT’s Austin call center.

But as the call centers grew in size, so did the paperwork involved with manually monitoring phone reps, necessitating the move to automate the monitoring process, Moon says. The system software – called “Auto Quality” – lets supervisors check a phone rep’s work schedule and set times to automatically record and save monitoring sessions.

Over the course of a 40-hour week, each telerep at ATT Wireless has four calls recorded, which are later reviewed by supervisors. Reps are rated on a scale of 1 to 100 on such criteria as professionalism, accuracy of information given to customers, tone of voice and politeness.