Get Your Real Estate Early or You’re Screwed: Advice from Cannes Veterans

The 2017 Cannes Lions International Film Festival of Creativity kicks off this weekend and thousands from the media and marketing industry will descend on the resort town on the French Riviera.

CannesThere’s plenty of talk about what to see and how to maximize the time there. Here, seven veterans of the event who have traveled to Cannes anywhere from four to six times offer advice to newcomers.

Some of the tips are practical, like bring a hat and beware of cellphone roaming, as well as this from Adam Ostrow, chief strategy officer at Mashable, “Don’t fly all the way to France to meet with people from New York.” Christian Hughes, president of Cutwater, reminds, “Don’t overdo it on the first night and stay out until dawn if you’re over 40.”

It’s a fun read with plenty of solid advice. Read the article …

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