Gas Card Supplier Offers ‘Tank Support’ to Vets

Gift card retailer and program manager SVM is offering buyers a chance to donate gasoline gift cards to current veterans of the U.S. armed forces, to help take the sting out of gas prices in the civilian world.

In conjunction with non-profit veterans’ relief group Soldiers’ Angels, SVM has initiated “Tank Support.” Consumers can visit the SVM Web site and purchase $10 gasoline gift cards for use at one of eight national service-station chains. The site is set up to allow donors to buy multiple cards from each brand.

Under the program, the cards will them be shipped out to Veterans’ Administration hospitals around the U.S. and distributed to veterans in need. SVM will pay shipping charges for the donated cards. The company will also contribute $1 to Solders’ Angels for each order placed on the Web site, up to a value of $10,000 and in the form of more gasoline cards.

“This program with SVM will mean a lot to those who have served in the U.S. armed forces,” Soldiers’ Angels vice president of veterans support Twyla Choate said in a statement. “Veterans right now need gas in their cars to get to doctors’ appointments; this is a top priority for them when they return home. And with the current price of gas, anything we can do to help in this area makes a big difference.”

The “Tank Support” program currently does not have a set termination date.

SVM claims to be the only company offering gas gift cards from every major oil company in the U.S., and also offers gift cards from 100 retail, restaurant and hotel brands. The company’s services include card production, program management, retail and individual fulfillment and Internet hosting.