FTC Won’t Restrict Food Ads to Kids

Federal Trade Commission said last week that it won’t restrict food ads targeting children.

FTC Chairman Timothy Muris made the comment last week as part of a panel discussion on kids’ marketing at the Time/ABC News Summit on Obesity in Williamsburg, VA. Muris said debates on ad restrictions are “a distraction. There are a lot of things government can do, but getting kids to stop nagging parents [from buying things] isn’t one of them,” according to news reports.

Other panel members were Ann Fudge, chairman-CEO of Young and Rubicam Brands; Kraft Foods exec VP Michael Mudd; Nickelodeon exec VP Marva Smalls; Margo Wootan, director of nutrition policy at the Center for Science in the Public Interest; and Marion Nestle, author of “Food Politics” and a critic of food marketing.