Following an online investigation, the Federal Trade Commission has warned scores of children’s Web sites that they are non-compliant with privacy laws.
The sites received an e-mail that read, in part, that they must comply with the provisions in the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and that the FTC will continue to monitor the sites to determine if legal action is warranted, the FTC said in a statement.
About half of the Web sites investigated that collected personally identifiable information on children appeared to be non-compliant.
Toby Levin, a spokeswoman for the Bureau of Consumer Protection, declined yesterday to comment on specific numbers but did say that the investigation represented a snapshot of sites directed toward children.
COPPA, which went into effect April 21, requires that Web sites directed toward children, and general audience sites that knowingly collect personal information from children under 13, post privacy policies and obtain parental consent.