Five Ways to Support and Build Brand Communities

Dedicated brand communities have the power to create passionate advocates for businesses, amplify reach and enhance consumer engagement. But it’s important for marketers to continually nurture them as they grow and take shape. Here are five ways to build and support a collection of brand ambassadors, according to a piece in Event Marketer.

Develop a Rallying Cry

When communities form on their own, which was the case for footwear company Chaco, brands can add structure and help shape the group by putting a name to it. A rallying cry will help the community to proudly identify as part of the group.

Allow the Community to Grow

Allow time for membership to grow in the early stages. Grassroots efforts, including empowering a few individuals to host events themed around the brand, can help build enthusiasm for the community.

Tap Your Brand’s Unique Culture

Determine what characteristics of your company’s culture are ownable. The brand community of the Chaco Nation, for instance, are proud of the tan lines the sandal’s create, which in turn inspired the company to launch an annual Chaco Tan Contest.

For more ways to nurture brand communities, read on in Event Marketer.