Digital + Social
MyBuys Makes Marketing Personal
Paul Rosenblum, vice president of marketing for MyBuys, claims his company
FTC Warns of Bogus E-mail Claiming to be From Agency
The Federal Trade Commission warned yesterday that some consumers and business executives have received e-mails purportedly from the FTC that are really attempts to install spyware.
E360 Hacker E-mail Spawns Urban Legend
An e-mail message apparently sent by a hacker from e-mail marketer e360 Insight
Three Metrics that Make Your E-mail Reputation
Everyone in e-mail marketing seemingly knows they need a good reputation to get their messages delivered, but do most know what factors go into creating one?
Datran Media Strikes MadeForChina Deal
Pay-for-performance marketing firm Datran Media is expected today to announce it has made a significant investment into Asian online and e-mail advertising company MadeForChina.
E-mail ID Firm Aims to Restore Trust
Start-up technology firm Iconix took a large step toward widespread adoption of its Truemark authentication technology recently with the announcement its scheme is compatible with Microsoft Outlook 2003.
Top ISPs Announce Support for Goodmail
Goodmail Systems is expected to announce Thursday its CertifiedEmail system has been adopted by Comcast, Cox Communications, Time Warner Cable’s Road Runner and Verizon.