The DMA’s library expands to become a total resource for the industry Ann Zeller, vice president of information and special projects, laughs when she is asked how the Direct Marketing Association’s library – DirectLink Online – has adapted since the trade organization acquired three smaller industry groups.
“It’s changed dramatically over the past 16 to 18 months,” Zeller says. “DirectLink is becoming a virtual DMA. Just go to the library to get everything the DMA has to offer.”
DirectLink, for example, has become a database for direct marketers of industry-relevant articles from over 160 journals a month, from such trade titles as DIRECT and Catalog Age to consumer or general business publications. Up to two years ago, the library provided abstracts only, and the change reflects the demand for the actual full-text material.
Furthermore, the database is being enhanced with other information sources. Zeller notes that DMA seminar books, conference proceedings and similar materials are also available.
In addition, the library functions as an archive for the Echoes, with records going back to the 1930s. Access to the full text of the entries is available, covering scripts, results and budgets, among other elements. And courtesy of database-driven CD-ROMs, actually entries can be viewed, including television spots.
According to Zeller, the information direct marketers most want to access involves e-commerce and Internet marketing. Inquiries range from infrastructure to creative.
Those researchers will be able to get even better information, thanks to a new research project the library has recently embarked on. With close to 400 respondents – about three times the number such surveys usually get – Zeller expects her statistics about the state of e-commerce to be the most thorough to date.
“We were able to segment business-to-business, consumer, company size,” she explains. “It will provide a complete look at the culture of e-commerce marketing companies.”
Also, the Third State of the Catalog Industry report will be called State of the Catalog/Interactive Industry report, reflecting the increased importance the Internet has had on traditional catalogers. The report will include the results of interviews with catalogers who have been successful with e-commerce “to map out a methodology to marry the best practices of catalogs with the new media of the Internet to become profitable,” explains Zeller.
The DMA, she points out, has expanded the concept of the library to be a total resource, not just a reference base.