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Data & Analytics
Reminder Emails Boost 1-800-Flowers Sales
1-800-Flowers is making heavy use of email reminders to encourage blooms as gifts for every occasion.
Data & Analytics
Marketers Increase Email Use On Black Friday
Black Friday saw many brick and mortar retailers promoting themselves primarily through email, although pure-play online marketers weren’t shy about using email to cash in on consumers’ post-Thanksgiving shopping urges, either.
Data & Analytics
Email Watch: Volvo Vamps It Up with “Twilight”
A few months ago, apropos of nothing, my 86-year-old mother turned to me and said “You know, I don’t think that much of that Lady Gaga.” “Well Mom,” I replied, “that’s fine, since you’re not really her target demographic anyway.” She looked at me a …
Data & Analytics
Email is StubHub’s Ticket to Cut Through the Noise
So how frequently do you email your best customers? Have you considered contacting them less? That’s what StubHub is doing, by making an effort to let high volume users of the service know they have the choice to opt out of emails that are …
Data & Analytics
Email Watch: Happy Birthday to Me
I have a friend who hates the idea of birthday wishes on Facebook. All you’re getting, he reasons, is a bunch of meaningless greetings from folks who would have never remembered your birthday if it hadn’t popped up in the corner of their Facebook home …
Data & Analytics
5 Tips to Reach Hispanics with Health Messages
To reach Latinos with health-education messages, social marketers first must understand how culture shapes beliefs and behaviors. Culture is at the heart of successful Latino-targeted health-communications campaigns. Here are five tips to communicating health messages to Latinos:
Data & Analytics
Hunting for Prospects
If you are hunting for a fresh prospect list, you might want to take a look at the selections available on hunting and shooting lists this fall
Data & Analytics
CM Listline: In Life Events, Timing is Everything
The proliferation of online advertising networks is creating much ado about nothing, at least in terms of how digital marketing is romanticized nowadays.
Data & Analytics
B-to-B Data, Automation Benefits Available For Marketers Willing To Do Legwork
Bernice Grossman has a message for business-to-business marketers starting to explore the mobile and social media channels: Slow down, and review some fundamental data opportunities which are largely being overlooked.
Data & Analytics
What to Consider When Creating B-to-B Lead Evaluation Models
Modeling business-to-business data can be tricky business. There are considerations consumer marketers don’t have to worry about, such as how a given industry indicates propensity to purchase, or the impact of multiple decision makers within an organization.
Chief Marketer spoke with Matt Fulk, senior manager of database marketing at SAS, about the challenges of creating B-to-B prospect lead analysis models.