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Data & Analytics
Did the Gmail Tabbed Inbox Reinvent Email Marketing?
While it is still too early to tell the long-term impact of the Gmail tabbed inbox, at least one early study has found a small decline in open rates.
Data & Analytics
7 Ways to Get More Email Opt-ins and Subscribers
Don’t let social media’s shine blind you to the enduring strength of email. To get more subscribers to opt in to this effective channel, consider using one of those pop-up overlays.
Data & Analytics
4 Strategies to Maximize Marketing Investments for Improved Sales Productivity
Here are four simple considerations to ensure your efforts are utilized and sales productivity increases.
Data & Analytics
The Importance of the Hub-and-Spoke Model for B2B Social Media
B2B companies are struggling to tap into the full potential of social media platforms, one answer is to employ the hub-and-spoke model.
Data & Analytics
Online Content Strategy: Open Up the Conversation
When many companies think about their online content strategy, they revert to talking about themselves—and that’s no way to carry on a good conversation.
Q&A: Content Marketing Requires Coordination Between Marketing and Sales
To learn how a content marketing campaign can generate more (and better) B2B leads, Chief Marketer recently talked with Dyn’s Jane Buck.
Data & Analytics
Email Open Rates Continue to Rise: Epsilon
Email open rates rose to 31.1% for the first quarter of 2013, a 13.5% increase over the same quarter last year,
The Role of Content in B2B Digital Marketing
Content that engages and an active presence where your prospects and customers live in social media are essential for B2B digital marketing success.
Data & Analytics
Informing B2B Conversations With Content Curation
A whopping 60 to 70% of content produced by B2B marketing firms goes unused, sitting on portal shelves.
Data & Analytics
Indigo Books Creates Long-Term Email Deliverability Plan
A long-term email deliverability plan helped Indigo Books boost open and clickthrough rates.