Data for Dollars

Looking for something valuable to sell? Try looking within


On one hand, DMers have tremendous opportunities presented by the Internet and emerging technologies. On the other, they have a less-than-healthy economic climate.

“I have never seen direct marketing change so much as in the past two years,” says Ann Zeller, vice president, information and special services.

Nobody knows what direction is best. One way the DMA can help is by collecting information and giving people benchmarks, says Zeller.

“We are an industry that uses information almost better than anyone else,” says Peter Johnson, economist and head of the DMA’s Strategic Information Unit (SIU). “We are at the forefront of bringing the economy into the 21st century, because we understand who our customers and markets are.”

The SIU, created last summer, supplies public policy research for members, and works with Zeller’s department on economic impact information. The major area Johnson covers and produces white papers on is postal reform and the threats that increased rates pose to members. Teleservices and privacy are other key concerns. “Anytime there is a connection between something the government will do and economic impact on members,” he says, “that’s where you’ll find me.”

The DMA has several new economic research projects planned, including a response rate benchmark analysis slated for fiscal 2003. There are tremendous challenges in the project, not the least of which is the fact that different companies judge response in different ways. Because of this, it won’t be 100% conclusive, but it will give marketers a base to compare their own results.

A shipping and handling study is also in the works, which Zeller hopes will help the industry create standards and deadlines for what to charge. Due out this fall is an updated list survey, looking at both postal and e-mail lists. The survey will investigate how the two types of lists are working in complement for marketers and how e-mail name availability is impacting postal list usage.

Executive summaries of DMA research can be read online and ordered from the DMA’s Web site at